domingo, 17 de marzo de 2013

St. Patrick's Day in the Sunshine State

Orange, white and green, these make the colours of the Irish flag, waving through palm trees with tons of Green people drinking and cheering to honour whatever they want to...

As I said once, the Captain is a rough player, and you just can't play him as a nobody. Unexpected gatherings, lost in the middle of that mankind, some looks, laughter,  a few more drinks, desires and a deep unsettling sleep...

There is this Irishman walking out from a pub...No, really!

domingo, 10 de marzo de 2013

Apparently, everything in its right place...

A couple of overwhelming thoughts dictating what to do...Should I check the beach again? Obviously, I had to, longskate, the bridge,some music, quite a few hardcore surfers hanging around, empty mighty waves closing out with no mercy...Nobody is out there, and the wind blows insanely...And quite sharky too!!!

No surfing regardless of Erika, and no cup of tea in the eve..What a Sunday!!

Good night!

sábado, 9 de marzo de 2013

And the wind keeps on blowing...

Sometimes, there is great need for saying something to someone. In other occasions, nothing is left to be said. Whatever the case may be, the sense of loosing floats around, however, the silver grin remains.

Good night.