viernes, 21 de marzo de 2014

Chamomile tea, melon berrie smoothie, Gatorade and water...

On vacation times, chances are that there is more free thinking involved. What I mean to say, not only if I have huevos rancheros or Salvadoreño breakfast, but, actually, trace plans for the future.
I seldom come to a conclusion, but I have learnt a lesson:if you have doubts about a place or people, it is because there must be something hidden behind the cover.

A matter of great importance when it comes to "grade" a trip, is the social aspect. On this occasion, staying in
a lodge called "La Tortuga Surf Lodge", meeting other surfers would not be unthinkable.
Obviously, this has been the case, with the mostly typical topic: surfing conditions, surfing destinations, surfing happenings...I know, very narrow minded!!
Observing the characters around the village, it is not too risky consider this place as not a very special one.
Seven days seemed to be, given some circunstances,  stretched out more than what I had desired.

Reading the newspapers served me to reinforce prevoius thoughts. It is not worth of looking back.

Lastly, my brief summary about this trip: sunsets very kind on the eye, fabulous surfing conditions...The rest must be  ignored, and eventually, forgotten.

Remember the Olde rules!!!

jueves, 20 de marzo de 2014

Back in the water!

Thankfully, after two days feeling like an insect, I`ve gathered strenght enough to paddle again...
Needless to say, the happiest times in a long period.
Slightly windy, only 4-5 feet, and barely fifteen people on the break point!!!
If I was ever going to have a chance, it would be this. Weak body, unsettled mind, tiresome paddling, everything forgotten after riding a beautiful  blue lefty...Uncomparable with anything.

Not much to add besides a warning: beware of those sharing the path with...

Sleep tight!

Some random pictures...

miércoles, 19 de marzo de 2014

El Salvador, day 4

All I had written, erased!! You know what? I am not going to retype it.
Supposedly, I am recovered from my illness since I can eat with no major issues.
Regardless of the tide, the waves keep on pumping as a dreamt desire.
I wish some of my best friends were here to share this with them.
Although surfing is an individual sport (way beyond I`d say), seeing your buddies cruising or falling from a wave adds an immense meaning to it.
Switching to the human landscape, a bunch of lads coming from "Western" or developed countries, mixing with locals of darker skin coinciding in such a bubble...
The visit to different Mayan ruins and remains added the "cultural" touch. Tazumal, Joya de Ceren and San Andres alongside a majestic view of a lake (formerly a volcano) as the route highlights.
If you are interested in getting more info about these sites, don`t wait for me to tell you so! Use the net!!
Enough is enough!
Have a good night.

lunes, 17 de marzo de 2014

Going where???

A few weeks back, with the usual stress at work, a colourful window opened up to spark my day. Spring break, where to go: somewhere in the US (California, Seattle...), the Caribbean, Central America?
Searching on the net: too expensive, no waves there, endless flight connections....
Lastly, a very unexpected destination: El Salvador!!!!
The tiniest country in the area, with a reputation of being an unsecure place, and fantastic waves.
After four days in El Tunco beach,
many thoughts and impressions gath around my dizzy head.

The most remarkable one, a few minutes pass the sunset, the ocean became an orange-pinkish canvas with a "cavalier" riding it effortless as if was meant to be just that way...

I am near a delirium, and that is a powerful reason to put a temporary end to this story.

Have a good night folks!!