sábado, 25 de agosto de 2012

Back in Florida

The second coming, the return, call it as you want. The truth is that, it was meant to be this way, even further, the "Circle Theory" has proved itself to be infallible and undeniable. Just in the very same day I got my flight to the US, it showed up....Part of the small letter in this thrilling game... After a month, I feel home, with some irrelevant changes, but at the same time, crucial ones regarding the mindset... It is highly expected to be witnessing a very much fierce tropical storm in Florida these days. ladies and gentleman: "Isaac". We can't predict if the impact will be that dramatic or not, either way, I bought a flashlight and some water just in case electricity and other utilities get affected. The bright side regards surfing, about 12 feet waves expected for Monday...Beyond my potential and my back current condition...Probably some wicked snap to be shot! Lastly, needless to say, you are more than welcome to my place, as long as your will is good. Love and surfing! Rob Roy.

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