jueves, 26 de diciembre de 2013

Lastly, in Ayampe.

I`ve heard very often, and don`t get me wrong as I have said so too (recently) "It`s better using the buses, cause you get to know the real country"....You know, after another day of experiencing the Ecuadorian buses "real thing", I deeply doubt that I like it: the before mentioned loud Cumbia(whatever) From the bus speakers, the endless stops, needless to say accompanied by the "salesmen" Oh boy!!

Thankfully, being aware that moving from one village to another would take most the light time hours, I had an early farewell surfing session: 2-3 ft, groundswell...By far the best of the day. However, the highlight occurred when my eyes got hooked on a big black vulture having breakfast on the shoreline...Their ability to find food without making the slightest effort really admires me.
Do you happen to know anyone with alike characteristics? I guess I can call some...

Some food for thought: How smart it is ordering a burrito in a bar run by Argentinians in Ecuador?

Be Around!

PS: I promise telling an anecdote of someone that seems to be taken out of "Little Britain".

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