Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lunes, 31 de diciembre de 2012
domingo, 26 de agosto de 2012
As previously announced, Isaac has arrived with much of its energy directed westwards. Therefore, not as destructive as was supposed to be according to yesterday's weather forecast.
Regardless of that, heavy rain, gusty winds (mainly in the Keys) and the permanent menace of getting worst.
However, Isaac poses a potential serious thread to portions of the Northern Gulf Coast. If you could peep out of my window, you would see nothing but a rainfall cascade like..It is just unbelievable...
Despite the terrible weather conditions, I went to the beach to have a look at the ocean, and this is what I saw....
However, Isaac poses a potential serious thread to portions of the Northern Gulf Coast. If you could peep out of my window, you would see nothing but a rainfall cascade like..It is just unbelievable...
Despite the terrible weather conditions, I went to the beach to have a look at the ocean, and this is what I saw....
All the best.
PS: It is quite likely that Isaac becomes a hurricane on its way through the Gulf of Mexico.
sábado, 25 de agosto de 2012
Back in Florida
The second coming, the return, call it as you want. The truth is that, it was meant to be this way, even further, the "Circle Theory" has proved itself to be infallible and undeniable. Just in the very same day I got my flight to the US, it showed up....Part of the small letter in this thrilling game...
After a month, I feel home, with some irrelevant changes, but at the same time, crucial ones regarding the mindset...
It is highly expected to be witnessing a very much fierce tropical storm in Florida these days. ladies and gentleman: "Isaac".
We can't predict if the impact will be that dramatic or not, either way, I bought a flashlight and some water just in case electricity and other utilities get affected.
The bright side regards surfing, about 12 feet waves expected for Monday...Beyond my potential and my back current condition...Probably some wicked snap to be shot!
Lastly, needless to say, you are more than welcome to my place, as long as your will is good.
Love and surfing!
Rob Roy.
viernes, 27 de julio de 2012
Uma tarde em Lisboa
Cidades e homes.
Em nesta corrida verdadeira, a idea era que os atletad corressem um numero de voltas aleatorio. A extensao da corrida era decidida por um jogar de dados.Alem do mais, quando os atletas-matematicos estivessem mesmo no fin da carrera, Erdos lancaria de novo o dado e o numero que saisse determinaria o numero de voltas que os atletas ainda tinham que dar.Tratava-se, assim,de dificultar ou mesmo de impedir a medicao e o controlo do proprio esforco: o facto de nao se saber onde esta a meta, o nao se saber quando acaba, este desconhecimento, faz com que o esforco muscular e respiratorio se torne em parte descontrolado. Corro imenso e, quando a meta esta a dois metros, alguem me diz que tenho que correr ainda mas tres voltas...
E o mais assustador e pensar na imagem grotesca de um conjunto de atletas humanos a corrervoltas determinado pelos numeros dos dados jogados para a mesa por um ou dois
Pensar que nos obedecemos aos numeros que a sorte, ditada pelos macacos...
Does this remind you of anything?
Boa noite!div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;">
jueves, 19 de julio de 2012
En noche cerrada cruzamos el límite entre Cantabria para llegar a Asturias. Infinitas deudas con la "tierrina" desde, hacía ya, demasiado tiempo.
No podría definir de modo certero los sentimientos de ver aquellas sempiternamente verdes montañas, de los infinitos manzanos (gracias Simon por hacérnoslo saber, jaja); el mar Cantábrico con su indómita furia; la amabilidad de los paisanos...
Nada de ello se hubiera disfrutado sin tener los amigos que tengo, en éste caso, Simon "hay viento" Heske y Fredy "correíto" Marley. Ellos hicieron posible que llegásemos hasta donde yo no había siquiera soñado en los últimos veinte años.
Ni que decir, el "salvajismo" de la noche gijonesa será algo que siempre me aconpañará, cientos y cientos de criaturas escanciando y bebiendo como si mañana tan solo tuviese como fin seguir escanciando y bebiendo.
En el hotel vimos un curiosísimo cartel (volveré en breve con el álbum exclusivo a carteles, el cual nació en el Estado de la Florida dos años atrás), que advertía sobre el peligro de las gaviotas en la ciudad, no dejar ningún objeto en las ventanas...Comprendería muchas horas más tarde como decenas de las mismas "patrullaban" las calles por aire y tierra lanzando amenazas sonoras a los tambaleantes batallones de escanciadores de regreso al hogar.
Las temperaturas, tanto terrestre como del mar, sorprendentemente más elevadas de lo imaginado, lo cual nunca termina de agradecerse.
Surfing, risas, coche cuesta arriba, caminito cuesta abajo: "Ahí las condiciones son buenas, eh, poco viento..." A la hora de las comidas, las raciones son abundantes, casi siempre bañadas en culines...En muchísimas ocasiones me habréis oido decir y/o escribir aquello de "Hay que estar atentos".Pues bien, tras chorizos a la sidra, fabada, escalopines al cabrales y botellitas de sidra, hay que estar atentos, ¡jaja!
Creo que por ahora no me apetece escribir más, así que buenas noches, y que soñéis con cosas lindas.
No podría definir de modo certero los sentimientos de ver aquellas sempiternamente verdes montañas, de los infinitos manzanos (gracias Simon por hacérnoslo saber, jaja); el mar Cantábrico con su indómita furia; la amabilidad de los paisanos...
Nada de ello se hubiera disfrutado sin tener los amigos que tengo, en éste caso, Simon "hay viento" Heske y Fredy "correíto" Marley. Ellos hicieron posible que llegásemos hasta donde yo no había siquiera soñado en los últimos veinte años.
Ni que decir, el "salvajismo" de la noche gijonesa será algo que siempre me aconpañará, cientos y cientos de criaturas escanciando y bebiendo como si mañana tan solo tuviese como fin seguir escanciando y bebiendo.
En el hotel vimos un curiosísimo cartel (volveré en breve con el álbum exclusivo a carteles, el cual nació en el Estado de la Florida dos años atrás), que advertía sobre el peligro de las gaviotas en la ciudad, no dejar ningún objeto en las ventanas...Comprendería muchas horas más tarde como decenas de las mismas "patrullaban" las calles por aire y tierra lanzando amenazas sonoras a los tambaleantes batallones de escanciadores de regreso al hogar.
Las temperaturas, tanto terrestre como del mar, sorprendentemente más elevadas de lo imaginado, lo cual nunca termina de agradecerse.
Surfing, risas, coche cuesta arriba, caminito cuesta abajo: "Ahí las condiciones son buenas, eh, poco viento..." A la hora de las comidas, las raciones son abundantes, casi siempre bañadas en culines...En muchísimas ocasiones me habréis oido decir y/o escribir aquello de "Hay que estar atentos".Pues bien, tras chorizos a la sidra, fabada, escalopines al cabrales y botellitas de sidra, hay que estar atentos, ¡jaja!
Creo que por ahora no me apetece escribir más, así que buenas noches, y que soñéis con cosas lindas.
Imágenes de Gante
Indudablemente, cada instantánea representa la intención de inmortalizar algo que nos atrae, ya sea por su belleza, por su interés histórico, personal, emocional, o incluso simplemente porque sí...
Por ello, encontraréis algunas de las imágenes carentes de estética o incluso vanas..
Fugit irreparabile Tempus.
martes, 17 de julio de 2012
El ansiado Norte
Tras ir al Norte desde el Sur para regresar al Centro desde el Norte para posteriormente volver al punto inicial tan solo son necesarios los siguientes condicionantes: "el surfmovil", ilusión por encontrar lo que no se tiene, euros para pagar un bocata de pollo crudo con cartílagos, una parada en Villacastín para hacerse una foto donde nadie en su sano juicio la haría jamás, y algún otro que ya no recuerdo...
La llegada a Santander, tras incontables horas recorriendo pueblos inexistentes de la Submeseta norte, sería la primera etapa del viaje propuesto meses atrás. Ciudad aristocrática donde se apreciaría el aire acomodado de aquellos a los que parece no afectar casi nada. En la noche conoceríamos la amabilidad de las criaturas que poblaban el lugar: terrazas, tapas, Arehucas, chupa-chups hasta un "paseo" por la zona vieja a horas poco prudentes para temerosas almas.
No me cansaré de mencionar la hospitalidad y amabilidad de las gentes norteñas, algo siempre oido pero apenas comprobado por estar casi siempre en tierras donde el sol reina sin discusión.
Al siguiente día, visita al palacio de la Magdalena, tremendas vistas junto a bosque, mar, viento y réplicas de las carabelas que cruzaron siglos atrás un océano para crear un universo nuevo.
Tras cruzar la bahía en barco, dirección Somo, desembarco, búsqueda de tablas y primer baño en el Cantábrico: "Te sienta bien. Estás de vuelta en casa" Y la verdad es que sí, me sentí como si siempre hubiese estado allí.
Al final del día, llegaría el tercer expedicionario, conocido, entre otros, con el nombre de Mr Marley: rumbo a la patria chica: Asturias...
Los ojos comienzan a nublarse, se decide que Morfeo tome posesión de nuestras almas...
La llegada a Santander, tras incontables horas recorriendo pueblos inexistentes de la Submeseta norte, sería la primera etapa del viaje propuesto meses atrás. Ciudad aristocrática donde se apreciaría el aire acomodado de aquellos a los que parece no afectar casi nada. En la noche conoceríamos la amabilidad de las criaturas que poblaban el lugar: terrazas, tapas, Arehucas, chupa-chups hasta un "paseo" por la zona vieja a horas poco prudentes para temerosas almas.
No me cansaré de mencionar la hospitalidad y amabilidad de las gentes norteñas, algo siempre oido pero apenas comprobado por estar casi siempre en tierras donde el sol reina sin discusión.
Al siguiente día, visita al palacio de la Magdalena, tremendas vistas junto a bosque, mar, viento y réplicas de las carabelas que cruzaron siglos atrás un océano para crear un universo nuevo.
Tras cruzar la bahía en barco, dirección Somo, desembarco, búsqueda de tablas y primer baño en el Cantábrico: "Te sienta bien. Estás de vuelta en casa" Y la verdad es que sí, me sentí como si siempre hubiese estado allí.
Al final del día, llegaría el tercer expedicionario, conocido, entre otros, con el nombre de Mr Marley: rumbo a la patria chica: Asturias...
Los ojos comienzan a nublarse, se decide que Morfeo tome posesión de nuestras almas...
sábado, 14 de julio de 2012
Tras largos meses de silencio y mutismo, la propia inercia natural del escribiente hace que nazcan caprichosas líneas de letras, con el despropósito como estandarte. Y a través de la ventana de la foto que acompaña, podéis asomaros hacia el interior tras el envoltorio de estereotipos, apariencias y otros adornos que nos componen como lo que somos: peones, caballos, alfiles, torres, reyes y reinas en un tablero desconocido e inabarcable...
Hubo una vez alguien que me escribió la siguiente frase: "La vanidad es algo que se tiene subestimado".
Bien, una vez se establecen ciertas conexiones genéricas, junto a otras de rasgos eminentemente internas, llego a la conclusión que es una certeza ajena a cualquier tipo de interpretación.
Y así, un 6 de julio, tierras belgas se abren ante una mirada temerosa y ilusionada: Goedenavond!!!!
El pasado de funde con un presente absolutamente inestable e impredecible, y como ya se cantara "ésta película no es sobre ti, crees que el futuro es certero, pero nada lo es, ni siquiera tu".
Una conversación, un té, unas fotografías, un autobús de línea, la hora de comer ¡otra vez!, un vuelo a Miami que se desvanece ante la incredulidad de aquel que no ve lo que no quiere....Ese paseo por la noche de Gante en busca de ese Irish pub al que uno fuera trece años atrás; una "frituur" y una conexión interoceánica....
Seis días, aterrizaría uan vez mas en la capital del Reino, y ello conllevaría un orden anárquico, si es que semejante contradicción es aceptable, con resultados excesivos se mirase desde donde se mirase...
Como si de un boomerang se tratase, finalmente, siempre se encuentra el instante de regresar a ese lugar escondido eternamente en nuestra memoria. La mitificación de unos recuerdos que sirven para alimentar un hedonismo confrontado a una realidad por momentos tremendamente hostil...
En antiguas entrades de viajes a latitudes al sur del sur, el gran Fredy "Rainmaker" nos hizo conocer el concepto de "local de importación" inicialmente aplicado al mundo del surfing. En la actual aventura, tras toparse con "Bono gnomo surfista": "¿Tú sabes surfear?, ¡jaja!
Nos pones por favor un par de vermuts y unas aceitunas de éstas, otras de aquellas: son 14 euros ¿Qué?
Nos pones por favor una de bravas, dos bocatas de calamares, una caña y una sidrita...Cuatro horas después, nos pones dos Bulmers, y una Newcastle.....Tres horas después de las cuatro horas anteriores...Cuatro horas después de las anteriores horas, taxi por favor, lléveme al aeropuerto....Esfuerzo inútil por acabar con una insignificante botella de agua...Voy a dormir, o no: Goedenacht!
PD: El orden carece de valor cuando la mente no tiene necesidad del mismo. Y si la tuviera, no sería en éste instante...
Hubo una vez alguien que me escribió la siguiente frase: "La vanidad es algo que se tiene subestimado".
Bien, una vez se establecen ciertas conexiones genéricas, junto a otras de rasgos eminentemente internas, llego a la conclusión que es una certeza ajena a cualquier tipo de interpretación.
Y así, un 6 de julio, tierras belgas se abren ante una mirada temerosa y ilusionada: Goedenavond!!!!
El pasado de funde con un presente absolutamente inestable e impredecible, y como ya se cantara "ésta película no es sobre ti, crees que el futuro es certero, pero nada lo es, ni siquiera tu".
Una conversación, un té, unas fotografías, un autobús de línea, la hora de comer ¡otra vez!, un vuelo a Miami que se desvanece ante la incredulidad de aquel que no ve lo que no quiere....Ese paseo por la noche de Gante en busca de ese Irish pub al que uno fuera trece años atrás; una "frituur" y una conexión interoceánica....
Seis días, aterrizaría uan vez mas en la capital del Reino, y ello conllevaría un orden anárquico, si es que semejante contradicción es aceptable, con resultados excesivos se mirase desde donde se mirase...
Como si de un boomerang se tratase, finalmente, siempre se encuentra el instante de regresar a ese lugar escondido eternamente en nuestra memoria. La mitificación de unos recuerdos que sirven para alimentar un hedonismo confrontado a una realidad por momentos tremendamente hostil...
En antiguas entrades de viajes a latitudes al sur del sur, el gran Fredy "Rainmaker" nos hizo conocer el concepto de "local de importación" inicialmente aplicado al mundo del surfing. En la actual aventura, tras toparse con "Bono gnomo surfista": "¿Tú sabes surfear?, ¡jaja!
Nos pones por favor un par de vermuts y unas aceitunas de éstas, otras de aquellas: son 14 euros ¿Qué?
Nos pones por favor una de bravas, dos bocatas de calamares, una caña y una sidrita...Cuatro horas después, nos pones dos Bulmers, y una Newcastle.....Tres horas después de las cuatro horas anteriores...Cuatro horas después de las anteriores horas, taxi por favor, lléveme al aeropuerto....Esfuerzo inútil por acabar con una insignificante botella de agua...Voy a dormir, o no: Goedenacht!
PD: El orden carece de valor cuando la mente no tiene necesidad del mismo. Y si la tuviera, no sería en éste instante...
martes, 14 de febrero de 2012
Tirsdag 14 Februar
God kevelt!
How is it going lads?
After six days in the snow, the feeling of returning home appears to be comfortable and desired. Although, I am enjoying every single second...
Whilst writing the title, I came across, today it's Saint Valentines Day....Mmm, I do not know about you, but I do have quite a few complaints regarding this day...Name them all would be a patience effort you do not need to take up...
In a nutshell, who am I going to celebrate it with? lol!!!
All those images in the retine, that dying and pale blue in the sky, a neon ballroom like scenary....Struggling with words as in many other occasions..Better give way to something else...
Long life to the Olde Rules!!
sábado, 11 de febrero de 2012
Back to the snow!!!
As it was mentioned in the last entry back in January, I find myself again in Norway. Different fellow travellers but similar purpose in the end...
Sometimes, we need to measure things, and I am not the exception to the rule. I am not talking about making comparisons, but realizing about how far we can pull ourselves...
"Early in the morning racing to the streets.." No way! 12 C below zero!!!!! And heading to Oslo again...Although, not very keen on revisiting places (well, in this case there are exceptions), I enjoyed my rol as the "City's guide". On this occasion, we hit the National Gallery, where we had the chance to admire some works from Van Gogh, Picasso, Goya, and, of course, Edvard Munch; some walking around the main streets, lunch in Hard Rock Café (I wash my hands as it wasn't me the one choosing the place); and eventually having a look at the Nobel Peace Center.
Oneself tries to show grattitude anytime the guest rol is given: two bottles of white and red wine, and a Bombay Saphire Gin...The danger approaches to you when you are invited to drink some of the previous ones: Here it comes that edgy situation in which you just can not refuse it, but at the same time, you can't drink an iceless, large Gin and Tonic..I actually really dislike them separatedly, and even more altogether, lol!!!
Still five days ahead of us, and much more action still to come...
Behave properly as it was one of the Old Rules...
God natt!
Sometimes, we need to measure things, and I am not the exception to the rule. I am not talking about making comparisons, but realizing about how far we can pull ourselves...
"Early in the morning racing to the streets.." No way! 12 C below zero!!!!! And heading to Oslo again...Although, not very keen on revisiting places (well, in this case there are exceptions), I enjoyed my rol as the "City's guide". On this occasion, we hit the National Gallery, where we had the chance to admire some works from Van Gogh, Picasso, Goya, and, of course, Edvard Munch; some walking around the main streets, lunch in Hard Rock Café (I wash my hands as it wasn't me the one choosing the place); and eventually having a look at the Nobel Peace Center.
Oneself tries to show grattitude anytime the guest rol is given: two bottles of white and red wine, and a Bombay Saphire Gin...The danger approaches to you when you are invited to drink some of the previous ones: Here it comes that edgy situation in which you just can not refuse it, but at the same time, you can't drink an iceless, large Gin and Tonic..I actually really dislike them separatedly, and even more altogether, lol!!!
Still five days ahead of us, and much more action still to come...
Behave properly as it was one of the Old Rules...
God natt!
sábado, 14 de enero de 2012
Gone is the snow.
Starting from the end: safe and sound in the penthouse: a cup of tea, sliced bread, and Bristol music....As in any other trip, the return day gets you stiff and tired. Early in the morning, we walked around the frozen lake near Jeanne´s house, needless to say, with the Golden Retriever: Charlotta, an adorable creature.
Being more than aware that the odds are against the possibilility of the following people to read this, it wouldn´t be gentle not to mention all those who made our stay in Norway an unforgettable one: Edwige, Jeanne, Ola, Christian, and everyone at Jessheim.
Lastly, flying with Ryanair has been the closest experience ever of a local market on the sky: What a nightmare!!! Selling smokeless cigarettes, any sort of items..I wonder what would be next: Clothing, souvenirs??
All in all, it has been an amazing trip and the funny thing is that I will return sooner than expected.
Tusen takk!!
Being more than aware that the odds are against the possibilility of the following people to read this, it wouldn´t be gentle not to mention all those who made our stay in Norway an unforgettable one: Edwige, Jeanne, Ola, Christian, and everyone at Jessheim.
Lastly, flying with Ryanair has been the closest experience ever of a local market on the sky: What a nightmare!!! Selling smokeless cigarettes, any sort of items..I wonder what would be next: Clothing, souvenirs??
All in all, it has been an amazing trip and the funny thing is that I will return sooner than expected.
Tusen takk!!
jueves, 12 de enero de 2012
0º Celsius degrees: nor cold, neither hot!
Good evening lovely people!
Today has been a meeting one at Jessheim, a very powerful psicological study regarding national mentalities among Europeans...Deep thinking, or as you might say: "Food for thought"
Walking outdoors through those "white carpets" everywhere, stepping your feet in snow, a nearly frozen breath...Playful times, timeless memories....
I can't help questioning myself the following: How life would be living in Norway like?
Travelling is living through different views, learning is an endless process...
PS: Awhile later, after dinner and a drink with colleagues from Norway, Belgium and Germany, we experienced a short night walking home passing by a white neighbourhood: starry sky and crispy cold...
miércoles, 11 de enero de 2012
Hello Norway!!!!!
Good morning ladies and gentleman!
Some of you might be surprised, some others not, but the truth is that I am as close as I can to the Arctic Polar Circle (I do not know if the Arctic Monkeys have ever played here!).
I must confess my bewilderment with all those heaps of snow, but at the same time my excitement to be out playing as a child is unbeatable.
Today we visited the Jessheim high school, it is another world, way beyond previous thoughts...
Norwegians seem to come out from those fairytales, same as the landscape: snowed streets, snowed houses, some enlightened Xmas trees, sorry no snowmen!
By two pm we arrived in Oslo downtown, sort of little heart of the nation: walking all over the main and reknown areas, figuring out prices of this and that; grabing a panini and seating in a frozen bench on the park..All of sudden a type like raven approached to me with little hops: he had some breadcrumbs. I return he had ton pose for my camera: a black spot on virgin pure white snow....
Oslo and the company have been just great, and back in our hosts house, we were trated to a typical norwegian dinner: grilled salmon on bernaise sauce and steamed potatos and veggies. Absolutely tasty!!!
We need to get some sleep in a queen size bed with tons of cushions otherwise tomorrow will be an endless session...
Eyes are the rulers...
May the Nordic Gods protect you tonite.
Some of you might be surprised, some others not, but the truth is that I am as close as I can to the Arctic Polar Circle (I do not know if the Arctic Monkeys have ever played here!).
I must confess my bewilderment with all those heaps of snow, but at the same time my excitement to be out playing as a child is unbeatable.
Today we visited the Jessheim high school, it is another world, way beyond previous thoughts...
Norwegians seem to come out from those fairytales, same as the landscape: snowed streets, snowed houses, some enlightened Xmas trees, sorry no snowmen!
By two pm we arrived in Oslo downtown, sort of little heart of the nation: walking all over the main and reknown areas, figuring out prices of this and that; grabing a panini and seating in a frozen bench on the park..All of sudden a type like raven approached to me with little hops: he had some breadcrumbs. I return he had ton pose for my camera: a black spot on virgin pure white snow....
Oslo and the company have been just great, and back in our hosts house, we were trated to a typical norwegian dinner: grilled salmon on bernaise sauce and steamed potatos and veggies. Absolutely tasty!!!
We need to get some sleep in a queen size bed with tons of cushions otherwise tomorrow will be an endless session...
Eyes are the rulers...
May the Nordic Gods protect you tonite.
viernes, 6 de enero de 2012
The Three Wise men...
Last session in La Cicer, 26º C, a shiny sun giving away the stolen light. After a while, some of the guys still enjoying in the water, we headed in search for some tasty food.
Thanks to Fredy´s expertise, we ended up in one of those typical and colourful places for a late lunch: papas arrugadas, octopus and other local fishes..A delicious way to say good -bye to Las Palmas.
Unfortunately, running out of time, we couldn´t do the same with our German friends (sorry lads!), and then, as on any good story, "Expect the unexpected": We hadn´t been aware of the Three Wise Men Parade in the city...About an hour to get to the airport, no buses, al the taxis stops removed from its original place.....Struggling to get through the human masses already happy with tons of candies, two tired and dirty creatures carrying backpacks, notebooks, a pair of shoes in the middle of crowds of very well-dressed up and smelling-good parents with their bewitched children.."Who are these blokes? Don´t they know that this evening their Majestics are arriving?"
Asking to a couple of not very merry police officers: Excuse Officer: Do you know where can get a taxi? A while later, with nearly 40 Euros less in the pocket, we just needed to wait for our flight...
Checking counter:
-"Hello, Good evening"
-"Good evening Sir" replied sincerely and with a frank smile the airline employee. Window or aisle?
-"Is it the flight full?"
-Not at all.
-All right, I hope you get lots of presents frm the Three Wise Men...
Twenty minutes later, the plane was packed!!!
An unpleasant flight, some degrees down, but happy to accept that there is always a place where someone awaits for you with a noble smile...
PS: It would be rude not to name all those who made this another unforgettable trip: Dan "Gerry Lopez" Johnson, Super "Guía Michelin" Tomás; Fredy "el que pone orden" (porque alguien tiene que hacerlo); Simon "mareas alta y/o baja, viento, volumen" Heske; Marko "it´s part of the game" Ilic; "German riders" Jan Vogh and Florian Huber; Tino "Cavaliere toscano", all the lads in the Canaries and everyone else.
Thanks a million!!!!
It can't be more natural than this...
jueves, 5 de enero de 2012
About Gerry Lopez, surfing, goats and many more nonsense matters...
Tonite, the Three Wise men will sneak in the children hearts by giving them away their very well deserved presents (if you do not know about them, just tell you they are fine fellas, lol!)
Likewise, we are returning back home after two weeks with endless images on our "boxes": a barren but magical land, the mighty but invisible wind, the deepest blue in a fiery ocean...Human matters, or animal ones to be more precise: after visiting the southern part of Fuerteventura one of the lads car almost collided with a bewildered savage goat (they are all over the place)...
I could be writing for ages, but it wouldn't the best way to complete this entry.
Basically, one more day for surfing, enjoying the uncomparable company of the guys I 've been travelling with, and some more buses, planes before ending up in the Mediterranean shore again...
Behave as the Three Wise men might show up in your house...
Love and surfing!
I could be writing for ages, but it wouldn't the best way to complete this entry.
Basically, one more day for surfing, enjoying the uncomparable company of the guys I 've been travelling with, and some more buses, planes before ending up in the Mediterranean shore again...
Behave as the Three Wise men might show up in your house...
Love and surfing!
martes, 3 de enero de 2012
After three days in Fuerteventura
I have no memory enough to recall all those things we did in the last week, but certainly, we are doing good!
Today, swell conditions were supossed to be even bigger than in the previous days. Thankfully, on this occasion, we got to the right spot: Majanicho beach, a right hander with low tide: watch out the rocks!!!
Besides that, a historical event has happened, the day when Dan Johnson, became Gerry Lopez!! Unfortunately, he did not have that stylish moustache, lol!!!
I just can't believe my eyes! Tomorrow we will be leaving the island to return to Gran Canaria for one more day...
Sometimes, I do try to tide up all those furious thoughts and images running like wild horses towards...For two nights in a row I have been sleeping very badly, and on top of that, uncomfortable dreams...
Somehow, it isn't a surprise as Morpheus, long ago, decided to declare me "non grata person"
As has been proved in many different situations, we always get used to do certain things without even thinking why we do it...After a sip on a hot cup of tea, and a bite on a massive sandwich (great value by the way) a few tables away, a girl seemed to be absolutely in love with the guy she was sharing breakfast with..I told one of my mates: " That's beautiful" He naturally replied: "It is, indeed"..
It would remind to that Pearl Jam song: "Elderly woman behind the counter" if we were in a God's forsaken road cafeteria in the States...
Love and surfing.
Today, swell conditions were supossed to be even bigger than in the previous days. Thankfully, on this occasion, we got to the right spot: Majanicho beach, a right hander with low tide: watch out the rocks!!!
Besides that, a historical event has happened, the day when Dan Johnson, became Gerry Lopez!! Unfortunately, he did not have that stylish moustache, lol!!!
I just can't believe my eyes! Tomorrow we will be leaving the island to return to Gran Canaria for one more day...
Sometimes, I do try to tide up all those furious thoughts and images running like wild horses towards...For two nights in a row I have been sleeping very badly, and on top of that, uncomfortable dreams...
Somehow, it isn't a surprise as Morpheus, long ago, decided to declare me "non grata person"
As has been proved in many different situations, we always get used to do certain things without even thinking why we do it...After a sip on a hot cup of tea, and a bite on a massive sandwich (great value by the way) a few tables away, a girl seemed to be absolutely in love with the guy she was sharing breakfast with..I told one of my mates: " That's beautiful" He naturally replied: "It is, indeed"..
It would remind to that Pearl Jam song: "Elderly woman behind the counter" if we were in a God's forsaken road cafeteria in the States...
Love and surfing.
domingo, 1 de enero de 2012
January 1, 2012
La montaña de Tindaya |
You are the first two people that I've seen kissing each other this 2012, and that's wonderful!
Those were my words to a couple I met by chance outside the club, and it was very touching. They replied with a sincere: Thank you for your kind words.
I will never forget that lovely image...
If I am determined to be involved with mankind, I guess loving its the best way to do it. Furthermore, a friend of mine gave me a beautiful piece of advice: Hold to your good actions, and forget about others mistakes...It could be in the other way round as well...
Everyone's here and surf's up!!!
I am struggling to put myself together in order to compose properly. I assume that the endless number of Arehucas doesn't help at all!
The last couple of days have been just great, chilling with the lads, recalling those almost forgotten images of Fuerteventura island: the wide variety of the land's colours, the long stretching straps of sand and "malpais", the persistent wind...
Some days ahead to keep on enjoying all those little instants of magic...
It seems to happen like a miracle how swiftly we forget about many things whilst some others remain regardless our will...
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